Dos-based Ultima Underworld 2 savegame itemlist editor. Really only useful for editing item qualities, or for creating items to play with in temporary saves, since editing item types and quantities cocks up your weight allowance. This was my first ever non-BASIC program, back in '93. I had read no books on C++, I was just picking it up as I went along. It's scary to read the code now, to realise how little I knew. But the program actually works, after a fashion. I'm releasing it on the public domain, with no warranty. That means you can do as you will with it, but you do so at your own risk. You have true freedom, not GPL-abused "Free(tm)"dom. And with freedom, comes responsibility: I won't support this product, you are on your own. There are three files: editor.exe: the actual program itself. editor.cpp: The program source. You can recompile it yourself, though it was written for Borland 3, I believe. I have no idea if it will even recompile nowadays. data.dat: the list of all items in the game. It is REALLY fun to give yourself stuff and throw the items around, but it's best not to do so on a savegame that you expect to actually use for the rest of the game. ************* BIG PROBLEM: Be warned that this can and will mess up your weight tracking. So you might create yourself a really heavy item, from a light one, and drop that item, and then end up "carrying" a negative weight. Then you'd be unable to pick up any items for the rest of the game. ************* Still, here's how to use it. Copy editor.exe into the uw2 directory. Type the following commands, each on a separate line, followed by enter (will vary depending on where you installed it, I guess): c: cd \uw2 mode con lines=50 editor You will be asked which save you wish to edit. Enter a number from 1 to 4. It's obviously wise to make sure you've saved a backup of that savegame directory first. You'll be shown a menu of items in your inventory. There are columns for the item quality, item quantity, and its location in your inventory (R. Shoulder, Slot 8, Container, etc). Help is displayed at the bottom of the screen, but here it is in long form: A to Z: select the item with that letter beside it. < or >: List the next or last page of items in your inventory. 1: Create a new item and insert it into your inventory (not implemented). 2: Save the file 3: Load a different file 4: Save a dump of this display to a file named "charactr.inf" in the UW2 directory. 0: Exit the editor So, use < and > to move through your list of items until you find the item you want to edit. Then press the letter beside that item to edit it. You'll be taken to another screen. There it will ask you to enter the first letter of the field to edit. You can't edit the position (but that's OK, you can just move it around once you've edited it, or before). If you try to, it'll just return you to the list of items with the cool and intuitive message "pdposied". N - edit the quantity, or Number of items. You will be asked to enter a new quantity, from 0-255, and if you enter an invalid entry like "asdf", the program will barf and die horribly :) Numbers out of range are handled OK though, it seems. You'll be returned Q - Enter the quality, from 0 to 255. As above. This is about the only change you can make without buggering up your weight allowances. I - This is the cool bit. You can change the actual type of the item. Except, you have to enter a hex value. Cool value to try is item 5F, offset 1. Otherwise, look in data.dat, and get the item number from there. Offset 1 are the second lot of items, after it wraps to 00 again. Why I didn't just get the item number from 0 to 1FF instead of 0 to FF then 0/1, I don't know. Remember that this will cock up your weight allowance, and potentially render your game unplayable. Have fun.